IOAL's Home Page / One-on-One Leadership Development (Our 2 page 'brochure') / Two Beliefs Which Underlie Our Approach To One-on-One Development

Two Beliefs Which Underlie Our Approach To One-on-One Development

1/ Virtually everyone can be a great leader and a great manager,
as well as an extremely happy, peaceful, powerful and fulfilled person.

There are people who fulfil all the above characteristics,
who are essentially the same as you.
So it can be done.

The main impediment which holds most of us back from achieving the things we want
are various fears, habits, and beliefs relating to a wide variety of issues.
And most of these factors are controlled by the subconscious mind,
and are therefore rarely understood by our conscious mind.
Simply learning what to do won't affect our subconscious.
However, a skilled facilitator can help you
to bring the subconscious into line with your conscious mind.
And by tapping in to the real person you are - underneath your barriers,
you will find that (almost automatically) you will become an extraordinary person,
and consequently, an incredibly effective manager.

2/ People who are willing to improve themselves are far stronger and more effective
than those who consider there is little that they can learn.

We have the greatest respect for everyone we work with
(whether we are doing One-on-One Leadership Development
or working with clients who have come to see us for counselling
about a personal problem they want to work with)
because we know that the people who come to see us are keen to improve
and have had enough inner strength to do something about it.

Everyone can improve.
Those who are willing to look inside themselves
and identify areas they would like to change
allow themselves the opportunity to grow and reach their full potential.
While those who think there is little they can learn,
or feel they have no need to develop themselves can never grow.

- Tony Lenart, "Uncommon Leadership"

© Copyright 1999, The Institute of Advanced Leadership. ( All rights reserved. Last updated 29th June, 1999

The two page "brochure" on our One-on-One Leadership Development Program
Everything You've Ever Wanted To Know (And More) About One-on-One Leadership Development
A Case History Of A Company Using One-on-One Leadership Development, outlining the work done and the results achieved
1 Day Personal Breakthrough Programs
Weekend Management Mastery Programs
The Institute of Advanced Leadership

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